Sunday, 4 December 2011

Dec 04, 2011. Hello from the cold (and wet) north. (posted by Shelley)

Well it has been a while since we posted, first our password got changed and we could not get in and since Trev and I have been away it has been hard to get 1. a computer to sit down at and change it and 2. time.

Right now we are visiting with my brother in Canada so I won't but a big post just a quick update. Once I am back home I will do a full update with pics of our trip to PV and all the details about the trip to Canada.

While it is cold and crappy here it has not been as bad as he thought. It is still mild enough that it is mostly rain all the time with only a bit of snow. I don't know which is worse though......gloomy rain but mild, or sunny snow, but cold?!?!?!? They both suck as far as I am concerned!!!!!

It has been great visiting with family and friends though. We flew into Detriot and stayed with Trev's dad for 2 days then headed to London where we stayed with our friends Dan and Jodi. Yesterday (Sat.) All week we have been doing running around and spending time with friends each day. To cap it off a group of us went out for a great dinner at Moxie's for our freind Tanyas's birthday on Friday . On Saturday morning we headed to Keswick to see my brother David, his wife Terena and their son Jacob. We are here until tomorrow morning, then off for lunch with my Aunt Sonia, on to see Trev's sister Sonia near London and then back to London to visit with more friends that we did not get to spend time with last week. Man we are very popular :) We will spend 1 more night at Dan and Jodi's as Trev as a Dr.s appt on Tuesday morning in London then it is back to Sarnia for the rest of the week. Trevor's brother's (Nick) wedding is on Friday night. So this week he has to do wedding stuff as he is the best man. Then is is back home on Monday Dec. 12th. We will be sad to say good by to our friends and family but glad to say hello to sunshine and naps. lol

While we are here Trev has also sold his car (a 59 Pontaic Laurentian). He is very sad to see it go, as am I. But it has gone to some great people that we know so we are happy that when we come to Canada again we can still see Stella and take a spin. We hope that Del and Rob enjoy the new ride as much as we did. Trev decided the only cure for his sadness was to buy a guitar.......can I really say since he just sold his baby?!?!?.....just another thing to pack.

Well that is all for now, it is getting late and we have an early morning to hit the road.