Tuesday, 13 September 2011

September 13 - Good News

Yesterday we met with the Notatio in Chapala to ask a few questions and Thomas, our real estate agent, asked him if there was any chance of us closing earlier than the 26th as both the sellers and the buyers (us) were both willing. Well he checked his calendar and guess what - looks like we can close on September 21 - 5 days earlier!!!!!!!! We are fast outgrowing this rental house. Each time we go out one of us buys something new "for the new house" - yesterday it was towels, the day before my statue, etc etc. We've seen so much stuff we want but most of it is bigger and it's nuts to buy it now, store it when we don't have the space and then have to haul it to the new house.

Today we went to lunch and met a guy from Sudbury (via Barrie and Tampa Florida) - he was very interesting and we had a long chat with him and his wife over lunch. Then we had to go get a new tire for the van (current one is leaking at an alarming rate) and afterwards we took a drive out to the house to take more pictures and talk about paint colours, landscaping etc. So many ideas floating around.

We came home with the intention of doing some cleaning, but Trev and Colin were talking bike/gasoline/engine stuff and Shelley and I were on the computers so, you guessed it, never quite got around to the cleaning thing. Oh well, manana (we're Mexican now, right!)

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